A 1968 German documentary on the use of film as a propaganda tool during the period of the Third Reich.The limitations of the medium, in this case 86 minutes to cover 13 years and 26 sample films mean that it should be seen as more a springboard for further exploration rather than an in-depth investigation in its own right. My first viewing left me somewhat disappointed because I was expecting more critical analysis, and while to some extent it does exist, it is more the case that the movie segments are allowed to speak for themselves, with excerpts designed to support the various chapter themes such as "Dying for Germany", "Brown or Red", "Back to the Fatherland" etc. This makes sense, and has allowed Erwin Leiser to hone in on some classic scenes and dialogue to support his thesis that "the misuse of mass media by a totalitarian system proves the necessity of a free, democratic social order."